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Restore (2024)


Partially documentary audiovisual performance "Restore" (Lith. "atkurti") – about the search for oneself and the return to the true "Self." How much does the environment influence us and our identity? How much do we, influenced by our environment, unconsciously change and manipulate our identities, moving away from authenticity, uniqueness, and our true selves? The expectations and demands from the environment and ourselves build layers of walls that increasingly burden and pressure us. These walls become denser, expand, and imprison us to the point where we forget who we truly are. How much time and effort does it take for these walls to erode and disappear?

Using documentary video and audio recordings, as well as performance elements, the creators invite the audience to collectively analyze questions of human identity.

Director and visual projection solutions – Arnis Aleinikovas
Soundtrack – SINUO
Dramaturgy – Virginija Rimkaitė
Performance – Indrė Endriukaitė

The Quiet of Cicadas (2024)

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44 fs1-1.JPG

The KTU Theatre Studio "44" performance "The Quiet of Cicadas" (directed by A. Aleinikovas) is based on the play "Pornography" by British playwright Simon Stephens (translated into Lithuanian by Aivaras Mockus). This play, with its fragmented narrative and intense, often emotionally charged scenes, has not been staged in Lithuania until now.
The play explores the lives of several characters, each facing their own personal struggles and challenges. Themes such as alienation, humanity, fear, choices, and the impact of major events on the lives of ordinary people are touched upon. All these stories and characters are
connected by the approaching 7/7 bombings in London – a series of coordinated terrorist attacks on the city's public transport system on July 7, 2005.
The main question that the creative team relied on in shaping the dramaturgy of the performance is: can we create our own lives (if so, why do we sometimes choose to shape them destructively), or are they already formed and we can only fulfil them?

Creative Team
Playwright - Simon Stephens
Translated from English by Aivaras Mockus
Director – Arnis Aleinikovas
The authors of the dramaturgical adaptation – Viktorija Kuzabavičiūtė, Arnis Aleinikovas
Media and visual solutions – Viktorija Lankauskaitė
Soundtrack – SINUO
Actors – Diana Karlauskaitė, Kotryna Markevičiūtė, Donatas Laurinavičius, Lukas Šimelis,
Saulė Šeputytė, Nojus Krasuckas, Edvinas Siurblys, Gabrielė Česnauskaitė, Vytautė Jurkutė,
Lukas Mieliauskas, Ignas Sabaliauskas, Monika Kvainickaitė, PerformansAS, Deimantas
Gricius, Saulė Zokaitytė, Benas Luščikas.
Performance Partners:
Cultural club "Lizdas"

JAUTRA (2023)


Performative theatre production JAUTRA (SENSITIVITY) was created together with the Vytautas Magnus University BA "Theatre and dance pedagogy" students. Performers had started building it from an individual research on the topic they were interested in at that given moment. This is why the performance is crossing such topics as burn-out, social image, fear, existentialism, mistrust, pain, connection with self and others. 

Dramaturgically, JAUTRA is supported with the texts from A. Aleinikovas play "Lack" and A. Baricco novel "Three Dawns". It is like a letter to oneself, which in the eyes of the observer turns into an impulse for a dialogue, on topics relevant to a modern young person.

Read the research papers (in Lithuanian) HERE

Performers Saulė Zokaitytė, Greta Balčiūnaitė, Livija Andruškevičiūtė, Ignė Birškutė, Gabrielė Bartkutė, Lukas Gineika, Matas Bugorevičius, Eva Kisieliūtė, Karolina Jablonskytė.

Director Arnis Aleinikovas

Photographer Gabrielius Laurinaitis

Producer  VMU theatre
Co-producer NGO „Teatras Mens Publica“
Supported by VMU Academy of Education


Lucidity according to Cambridge dictionary is "the quality of being able to think clearly, especially when this is temporary''. Following this description, young Lithuanian interdisciplinary artist Arnis Aleinikovas was holding creative workshops for the local community in Wroclaw.


During the series of workshops participants were presented with the main elements of somatic movement, ecstatic dance and rave. They had a chance to experience automatic writing and 3D scanning as well. 

Using the methodology of "Inner dramaturgies", Arnis Aleinikovas was collecting movement sequences, texts, visuals that later were mixed with the Jan Westerhoff, Graham Harman, Bessel van der Kolk, Alexander Lowen thoughts in the final performance presentation on January 12th 2023. 

This performance could be found somewhere in between reality and dream, relaxed and tensed body, darkness and light topics. It invites the audience to rethink the concept of reality and ask oneself: how do we understand the body in the technical acceleration times, what is the function and requirements of it.

Watch a short video presentation of the process here.

Read the interview with the artist here.

Read the curatorial text here.



"This address doesn't exist" - is a first dramaturgical text-test in Lithuanian constructed by Artificial Intelligence (Megatron 11-B). This text in a reading format was presented in 2021 in Kaunas artist's house and Lithuanian National Martynas Mazvydas Library. 

"In 10 years almost every app, software or service will be using some kind of AI" - David Cearley "Gartner Research" vice-president.


Creative team was researching artificial intelligence and using aspects of J. L. Austin performative theory were aiming to explore the text as a performative, powerful speech act. 
What content can be created? What relationship could be constructed? What influence on our language it could have and what it could tell us about ourselves?

"Wishing it would never end, going round and round and round, worried about if you’ll ever go off. Then at least it’s the daytime before you know it’s the night and you’re full of dread. When you sleep, only people seem to be awake, or maybe they’re dead and they want you to wake up. Somebody somewhere is really having the worst day ever. It just keeps going. (Fragment of the text)

𝗖𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝘁𝗲𝗮𝗺 /
idea / Arnis Aleinikovas;
text / Megatron 11-B;
translation / Dominyka Budinavičiūtė;
reading / Vilma Raubaitė, Donatas Ališauskas, Milda Jonaitytė

𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗻𝗲𝗿𝘀 /
Kaunas Artists House
Martynas Mazvydas National library of Lithuania


PULSE (2021)

Performative film “PULSE” is an inter-disciplinary, partly documentary, durational film. Its' structure is based in movement sequence, which is overlapping with the new media elements and texts.

The core of the performative film is trust, belonging and care. 

Important part of the performance is confessions of people that have experienced trauma.

Idea, directions, choreography - Arnis Aleinikovas 

Dramaturg - Daniel Albert Victoria 
Somatic movement adviser - Viktorija Ambrazaitė 

Supervisor - Viktor Černicky 

Performers - Eglė Šimėnaitė, Mara Ingea, En Ping Yu, Lara Hereu, Sai Sai
Appears in the video - Gytis Jurgevičius, Kathrin Frech, Malin Denkena, Seline Seidler, Joshi Timmer, Paula R. Erb. 
Producers - Martina Watzková, Vanda Hejnová, Anna Němcová

Composer - Valtteri Alanen  

Set, costumes design - Mara Ingea  
Video installation artist - Ilva Ieva

Artist of “human sound” installation - Egle Šimėnaitė 

Consult in psychology - Evelina Stepšytė 
Camera - Timotej Rajniš, Arnis Aleinikovas

Editing - Timotej Rajniš, Arnis Aleinikovas

Lights - Šimon Kočí, Sebastián Vích
Photographers – Klára Hejnová, Josef Vesely 


Premiere - 2021 May 


Fragmented Realities (2020)

Fragmented Realities is a performance, specially made for ZOOM platform and three performers. It is researching and reflecting a fragmentation of a reality that we are living in now. Where are you, when you open your phone to check your social media, weather, or email? Could you be in both realities? How do we understand a reality today and how does it change when you are sharing it on ZOOM?

These and other related questions were crossed during the creative process and are there in the performance, which is crossing perception, performing and not performing for a camera, fear, hate, death and dream topics.

"We assume that the past influences the future. That's how we appeared to experience reality. But why can't the future influence the past? Take away the names of past and future if that helps you to think of this concept. So what if the past influences the future and the future influences the past in an endless feedback loop?"


"Through the editing of live streaming and pre-recorded images, the idea of "now" is distorted and disturbed. The audience is invited to create their own chaotic reality" Nien-Ping Yu for "The Affairs" 

Concept, directions / Arnis Aleinikovas

Performing / Alžbeta Novakova, Jachym Sura, Sai Sai. 

PRESS >>疫情時代的東歐線上藝術節/



Performance "APARTMENT" is an interdisciplinary, interactive, durational online streamed performance.  5 performers from different parts of the world will meet in one apartment and will share their presence for 24 hours. 

At that time, in Europe was happening "COVID-19 lockdown pt. 2" and artists had to search for new ways to do art. "My one of the biggest interest right now is to search for new ways to communicate and to relate to each other and make a research on performativity and performative action". - says "APARTMENT" director Arnis Aleinikovas. "Since I was a child I liked to play "SIMS" and this performance has this quality - you (as an audience) can observe their living, talk, influence their being in the presence moment". 

Apart (of two or more people or things) separated by a specified distance in time or space) + ment (forming nouns expressing the means or result of an action) = Apartment (in North American definition) is "a suite of rooms forming one residence; a flat."; 

Performance is blurring the lines in between reality and fiction, is questioning performing and it's meaning, focuses on physicality and relation in between people in the apartment and people behind the screen. 

Directions - Arnis Aleinikovas

Composer - Valtteri Alanen

Performers - Eglė Šimėnaitė, En Ping Yu, Mara Ingea.

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